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‘Can We Talk?’ Seminar

Hana Plsek will be speaking at the Vantage Personnel breakfast seminar on 25 February.

The event, titled ‘Can We Talk?’, will focus on management communication issues when dealing with staff capability or conduct issues and how to avoid common pitfalls. Attendees will be offered practical guidance on how they can introduce simple changes to their work practices to improve how they deal with day-to-day staff management scenarios and hence avoiding future problems.

Collas Crill Associate Hana Plsek, a solicitor working in the dispute resolution team focusing on employment, housing and litigious trust matters said: "For businesses to thrive, employees need to feel involved and empowered in what they are doing. Part of that process involves managers having difficult conversations. Once an employee knows where they stand and has the opportunity to change, you have a far more loyal workforce in the long run."

Topics that will be covered at the event include:

  •          Initiating difficult discussions with staff members
  •          Managing poor performance
  •          The importance of clarity of communication when agreeing performance expectations
  •          Pitfalls that can be avoided by making simple changes
  •          Best practice in staff communication

The event, which is free of charge, takes place at the Old Government House Hotel in St Peter Port on Thursday 25 February. Registration and breakfast is 7.30am for an 8am start. To reserve a place, please click here.