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GIFA and AIMA Presentation Seminar

The Guernsey Investment Funds Association (GIFA) will be hosting a joint event with representatives of the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) on 5th June 2018, chaired by Collas Crill group partner Paul Wilkes.

The presentation, taking place at the OGH, will be a chance to understand the key strands of AIMA’s work, spanning research, significant regulatory changes and AIMA’s library of sound practice guides.

Jennifer Wood, managing director of Global Head of Asset Management Regulation & Sound Practices will also highlight the current challenges affecting the alternative investment industry and future opportunities for growth.

This will be particularly relevant to GIFA members looking to understand industry trends and adapt their business models to service the needs of existing and future clients.

Doors open at 4.15pm for light refreshments. The presentation itself starts at 4.45pm.

AIMA is an industry association whose membership includes fund managers and service providers, particularly in the open ended/hedge fund space. This is an ideal opportunity to hear at first hand about current topics relevant to alternative investment funds sector.

You can book your place here.