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Deeds of Retirement and Appointment - what could possibly go wrong? Training

Partner Angela Calnan and Senior Associate Cerisse Fisher will be delivering a CPD event for The Chartered Governance Institute - Bailiwick of Guernsey Branch covering Deeds of Retirement and Appointment. It will be held at Moores on Thursday 18 November, with registration from 12.15pm and a start time of 12.30pm.

Deeds/Instruments of Retirement and Appointment (DORAs/IORAs) are familiar documents to trustees and their advisers. The documents themselves are often relatively short and in familiar form but this is where the problem lies! There are significant elephant traps with these simple documents. Resolving issues caused by defective DORAs/IORAs keeps lawyers pretty busy and is a significant drain on director time within trust companies.

In this session Angela and Cerisse will:

  • get back to basics with DORAs/IORAs, looking at the different types and when and why each type should be used – a drafting masterclass;
  • look at some common mistakes that they have seen and the ramifications of those; and
  • look at what can be done to resolve mistakes when they arise.

To register, please click here.