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Middle East Group

The Middle East is one of the most challenging, exciting and fastest emerging markets around the globe.

The demand for professional advisers who understand the needs of clients in the region has never been more important. With shariah-compliant products and Islamic finance becoming increasingly mainstream and integrated into the global financial system, it is important to partner with a team who understands the complexities of these structures, while also understanding how more traditional structures can be applied to meet the needs of Middle Eastern clients.

At Collas Crill, our Middle East Practice Group has continued to go from strength to strength. 

We can also provide you with a safe and secure Middle Eastern retirement or savings product based in a well regulated and stable offshore jurisdiction. Click here to find out more.

Middle East Group services
Charities, Philanthropy & Zakat

At Collas Crill, we have established a wide range of charitable structures from local Guernsey LBGs through to large charitable foundations for some of the World's wealthiest families. Our specialist Middle Eastern Team also have experience in advising regional families on the Islamic charitable principle of Zakat.

Guardianship, Delegates & Powers of Attorney

Depending upon your jurisdiction, guardianship, delegates and powers of attorney are useful tools in helping a party to deal with the financial affairs of another, whether that is paying bills, managing bank accounts or otherwise. If you need assistance dealing with your own affairs then a power of attorney may be appropriate. This will enable you to choose who can carry out any actions, and the extent to which they can take those decisions, on your behalf. If, however, it sadly becomes the case that an individual cannot handle their own affairs any longer then a guardian or delegate will be need to be appointed by the court to look after that individual's affairs. Whether you are choosing to give someone power to deal with your affairs, or you have a relative who can't deal with their own any longer, careful consideration needs to be given, and advice sought, to decide what route is most appropriate.

Islamic Finance

Demand for legal professionals with a working knowledge and understanding of Shariah law concepts continues to rise reflecting the growth in Islamic finance products and services for institutions and private clients. Our team of experienced finance lawyers regularly work with onshore law firms, banks, managers and service providers to assist clients in the UK, the Middle East and Asia, as well as trust and corporate service providers servicing clients in this area.

Pensions Specifically for Dubai Companies

Dubai has no specific pensions law as such but Dubai-based companies do need to plan for and fund end of service gratuity payments. Instead of a pension, local laws require companies to make a severance payment when employees leave the business This can be a significant liability to fund and can often come at the most unwelcome of times such as during an economic downturn. Companies who have failed to set money aside to meet these payments have historically been unable to afford to reduce headcount as they have not planned or budgeted for severance payments. Although it is difficult for some smaller firms to set money aside to fund their entire historic liability, it is never too late to start setting aside at least some provision for this potentially large liability. If done well, these end of service schemes can be self-funding and can also achieve a company's CSR aims by impact investing in very worthy causes both within the region and more widely.

Private Trust Companies & Private Trustee Foundations

Private trust companies (PTC) and private trustee foundations (PTF) are an ideal solution for clients wanting to divest themselves of ownership while still retaining a level of control. A PTC, or its most recent incarnation, the PTF, is a corporate vehicle which is used by a family in place of a professional trustee so that the family themselves can control the board of the trustee and thereby control the underlying assets.

Insight 23 Nov 2021

Succession strategies

Partner Angela Calnan is quoted in Businesslife's latest edition in a feature entitled 'Strategies for succession – why wealthy Middle Eastern families are increasingly...

News 7 Oct 2021

Jersey First for Finance article

Group Partner Mike Williams and Associate Alexander Price feature in the latest edition of Jersey First for Finance. Supported by Jersey Finance, this year's publication...

News 28 Sep 2021

ME families and succession planning

An article by Group Partner Angela Calnan has been published in eprivateclient:'Changing times, changing needs: The growing demand among Middle Eastern families for...

News 22 Jun 2018

UAE Foundations

It was great to welcome Yann Mrazek, the Principal of M/HQ in Dubai, to Guernsey earlier this month (June 2018). His STEP Talk about the Dubai International Financial Centre...

Deal 10 Jun 2016

Collas Crill Advises ME Airline

Angela Calnan, Head of our Middle Eastern Practice has, this month, advised one of MENA's fastest growing airlines to launch a $20m pension for 3,400 employees. The airline...

News 1 Oct 2015

Opportunities in the MENA region

An increasing number of Channel Islands businesses are securing CI structuring opportunities from the MENA region. Collas Crill group partner, Angela Calnan, said that many...

Showing 6 of 6 Results

Guide 8 Feb 2022

A practical guide to Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) in Guernsey

Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) have been a feature of the Guernsey trust landscape for many years now. EBT is something of an umbrella term that can be used to describe lots...

Guide 13 Feb 2017

International Pensions & Savings in the Middle East

Give your employees the benefits that they need to feel secure and appreciated. Collas Crill is a leading participant in the international pensions market. We have...

Guide 21 Nov 2016


What is Zakat? Under Islamic law, Muslims are required to donate a certain amount of their wealth to charity.  This practice, which is called Zakat, is the third of the...

Guide 28 Oct 2015

Modern Muslim Succession Planning

Angela Calnan notes that many modern Middle Eastern families are looking offshore to avoid the forced-heirship provisions of Shari’a law. Having lived and worked in the UAE...

Guide 20 Oct 2015

New Foundations for PTCs

For several years, private trust companies have been the vehicle of choice for administering the assets of wealthy families. Many variants have emerged, as each host...


A Guide to Buying Leasehold Residential Property in England & Wales

The purpose of this guide is to give you as an owner or purchaser of leasehold property a basic understanding of your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. The Parties To...

Showing 6 of 7 Results

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